Why Constructing A Hardscape Is A Better Option For Your Backyard?

When it comes to style, no homeowner will leave a stone unturned. If you plan to make some changes in your backyard, you would be considering multiple options, like adding a landscape, pool, outdoor living, etc., just to use the space. The main question is, what would you prefer to have in your backyard. And once you know, you need to ask yourself, is it worth it? In order to change the empty space of your backyard, every option you would come across will make it to your list, but how would you choose what to build to make your place look different from every house in the neighborhood?

The main two options that people consider adding to their backyard are pool and landscape. But how about going a step beyond and considering hardscape instead? Hardscape is an updated version of the landscape that includes paths, walls, patios made, or various materials. People might have the opinion that it is exactly like the landscape but with some additions. Yes, it is, but why leave those additions when they have multiple benefits. Here are some compelling benefits to let you know why hardscaping is a better option for your backyard: 


Reduce soil erosion with hardscaping:

The first problem people encounter with a landscape or an empty backyard is soil erosion. Whenever there is a watershed, it will soften the soil removing the topmost layer of it, which is essential for plant growth. (If you have a landscape and facing the same problem, now you know what is causing your plants to die.) Opting for hardscape means building pathways and walls using strong and durable material like concrete, stone, brick, gravel, etc., which will hold the soil firm, and there will be no soil erosion which will give your plants the nourishment they want from the topsoil. 


Low maintenance of hardscaping:

Homeowners opt for additions in their homes that require low maintenance that can save their time as well as money. Hardscape will save you a lot of time and money as you would not want to water, mow, prune, etc., as you do for a landscape because the hard and durable material will help you to organize the garden and the pathways. This means no regular maintenance routines where you would have to spend the whole day ensuring the backyard space. 


Add value to your property with hardscape:

People make additions to their homes so they can add some value to their property. Making a small addition can prove beneficial for you. But if you are spending money on your background, why not consider the option that will not only add value to your property but will be a durable investment as well. Constructing a hardscape in your backyard will benefit you as a homeowner. If you ever plan to sell your home, you are right to expect a significant amount for the home as people know that hardscape will not diminish anytime soon.


Make some room for entertainment with hardscape:

Whichever option you choose to fill your backyard space, bet it, adding a landscape, a pool, a hardscape, you will be making room for an entertainment area in your home. Now people can hang out in the backyard, which is not empty anymore, but then why to chose hardscape? Hardscape will make the place more organized by adding walls and pathways, giving the visitors a clear idea of their final destination, so they will not get confused whenever you host a party in your backyard. There are also fewer chances of people stepping on your precious plants when they have a pathway to walk on, which will directly help them reach where they are supposed to be present. 



A checklist to follow when building your exterior living space

Anyone would love to have a luxurious, comfortable, and enjoyable exterior living space in their house. Imagine just going outside the house and spending your time sitting by the pool or enjoying the natural scenery. Furthermore, you could use that area as a fun place for your guests. You can add anything from a pool to an exterior kitchen in your house. It'll be the best option if you regularly host parties and want space for that. Also, if you prefer spending time alone, you could build a cozy seating area and enjoy your time there with a book. Either way, you can create any experience you want in your exterior living space.

You need to hire a reputed exterior living space contractor to begin the work. They can help in everything from design to budgeting and constructing the living space of your dreams. Also, ensure that you consider and decide your budget. Construction of an outdoor living space can be expensive and can take a lot of time too. You could complete it if you're already having a home renovation. This addition to your space could easily give a new look to your house and increase its value. Furthermore, it'll be the best addition if you're looking for value-adding options for your home. Let's look over a checklist you should follow and things to consider if you're building an external living space:

Decide what you want.

Your initial point should be to decide what you're looking for in your exterior home space. You could get some inspiration and ideas on the Internet and explore different homes. For example, some homeowners might prefer a lavish garden with lighting, while others might prioritize adding a pool. It's up to you to choose an alternative between these additions that suit your needs. If you're a person hosting a lot of get-togethers, consider leaving an open area that could fit in people for a party. You could get a DJ and organize a dance party right in your backyard. Another great option is to add a spa or pool if you love relaxing on the weekends. You can also design a cozy area that helps you connect more to nature and spend time there with the family.

Find a builder/contractor

Your next step should be to find different contractors and choose the best one among them. Find someone who specializes in exterior living space to get the best final job. It'll be a better option than choosing a newbie builder who might not have a lot of experience. So, find expert exterior contractors near you and compare their past projects. You should look over the pictures and get inspiration from their previous work. Also, ensure that you talk about your expectations and the final look you want. They could guide you in the process and even make better suggestions for the final designs. So, get a free consultation for exterior living space and begin the work now.

Talk about the budget.

After you find the contactor, communicate with them about your budget considerations. It's better to know what you can afford by assessing your expenses and savings. You should also compare the contractor fees before hiring and choose an affordable one. Afterward, assess different exterior designs and compare their costs through estimates from your contractor. Ensure that it's affordable before beginning the work. You could drop a few elements or delay the work to increase your savings if you currently don't have the budget. So, talk and decide what you can afford to ensure that you stay in the set budget range. It'll help you construct your dream exterior space while limiting your spending too.

Why should you Hire a Professional to Design your Swimming Pool?

Who doesn't love having a swimming pool in their backyard and more than that a swimming pool of their dreams. You probably saw a very fancy pool design in a catalogue or in a movie and want the exact same thing in your backyard? You can actually get the pool of your dreams if you hire a professional to design your pool. Renovating, remodeling or reconstructing your pool is a heavy task and is impossible to carry on your own. There are so many technicalities involved when it comes to designing and building a pool that it becomes impossible to do it without any professional help. Hiring a professional pool designer also comes in handy when you are confused about what to do with your pool and where to start planning about pool Renovation or redesign. Below mentioned are some benefits of hiring a professional to design your pool

  • EXPERIENCE, EXPERTISE AND KNOWLEDGE : A professional will have a greater understanding of your demands and your pool, and will know exactly what needs to be done. All you have to do is describe how you want your pool space to look, and they will turn your vision into a reality. Because of their knowledge, they may be able to provide you with greater advice on how to make it appear even better and what other features you may include. Obviously, you cannot construct a pool on your own or the additional things that you might want to add around it. If you want to make your pool kids or pet friendly, a professional can do that for you too.  As a result, it's always best to leave these matters to a specialist.

  • MORE CONVENIENT FOR YOU : Trying to renovate or reconstruct or even build your pool from scratch means you would need supplies,  raw materials and labours to do it. You would have to contact various contractors and suppliers before you can actually find the right fit according to you. You have to negotiate with so many people and take care of multiple things at one time. Hiring a professional for designing your pool means all these works would be taken care of by them. They will provide all the raw material, labours, all other suppliers, etc and even negotiate with different contractors. 

  • MAINTAINS A BUDGET : The expenses of all the necessary materials and other costs are known to a professional pool designer. They are knowledgeable with all of the costs related to construction projects. Any pool design requires unwavering imagination and vision at the start. However, after the aesthetics and their direction have been established, the next stage is to translate them into monetary terms. This is something that a pool design  professional can assist you with. Because they have a lot of experience, they can give you a good budget range and will walk you through the bidding and pricing process. It will be much easier to decide whether to execute the job in stages or all at once as a result of this.

  • AVOID FUTURE PROBLEMS: Due to your lack of knowledge in this field you won't really know the technicalities involved in building or renovating a pool. A professional pool designer would already know the common pitfalls and can help to avoid them. With their years of experience and expertise they are bound to know every aspect of  renovating or rebuilding a pool. 

  • COMPLETES WORK MAINTAINING SAFETY IN A GIVEN TIME FRAME : Renovation work or construction could get really technical and until and unless you are a professional or have a professional help it's hard to complete it on your own. A professional would take all the safety measures into consideration before developing a renovation strategy. If you have children and pets at home they would make sure to add safety measures for them too. Secondly, a professional pool designer would ensure quality work completed in a time frame. 

It's always better to hire a professional pool designer when doing anything to your pool because a small mistake can ruin the complete look of your pool and result in money wastage. 

Which Landscape Design Should You Choose For Your Home?

The landscape is one of the best ways to use your empty backyard or front yard to make your home look more attractive and valuable. People choose landscape so they can make the place look pretty and aesthetic. Landscaping can help you increase the home value, so if you decide to sell the home in the near future, you will get a good amount in return. People often think of renovating the house if they are planning to make some changes around the place, but if you really want something different to cover your space, you should consider landscaping. There are various styles of landscapes that you can opt for in your home, but for that, you need to know about those various designs. The landscape designs that you can opt for in the back or front yard of your home are given below:



Craving for tropical vibes but can't travel to such a place? Why not get a tropic space in your own backyard if you can? Well, visiting a tropical place is all about experience, and if you want to experience the same, you can choose your backyard to turn into a tropical landscape which will include palm trees, flowers, orchids, etc., that represent a tropical environment. You can also take a further step and include a pool or a waterfall as a part of your landscape project. 



People who want to vibe in the environment of the forest should consider the woodland landscape as it includes forest trees, shrubs, and some flowers. The best thing about the woodland landscape is minimal human interference as the plants will grow eventually, taking their own time. You can choose any of the trees like oak, maple, walnut, cheery if you want to make a long-term investment as they take much time to grow, or choose cedar, pine, redwood which grows quickly. To decorate it, adding benches, stone steps, and pathways would be a better option. 



Watering and maintenance have always been an issue for the owners of the landscape, especially those who do not have enough time to look after the plants. If you did not water them, the plants would not be able to survive, and the beauty of the landscape would diminish, resulting in money wastage. If you are looking forward to using your back or front yard in the best way, then, of course, the landscape is the best option but if you cannot manage to devote your time to its maintenance, then choosing dessert-style is your best option. Dessert landscape requires low maintenance and fewer waters because the plants do not want more water to survive. Cacti, aloe vera, and yucca are the pants that will be in your dessert-style landscape. You can make as many additions as you want to increase the essence of a desert-style landscape. 


English garden:

If you want to go with the trend then, English garden is your option. It is the most popular landscape in the housing industry. This type of landscape is said to bring the people closer to nature as the florals, shrubbery, and trees are included in the landscape. People often add a water body to give the garden a more realistic look. Adding a pathway or retaining a wall will give it an organized look. 


Japanese garden:

People who want to experience spirituality should consider opting for a Japanese garden. The landscape design is not an ordinary one as it is drawn from major philosophies of the world, namely- Buddhist, Shinto, and Taoist. Rocks, water, plants, and ornaments are the four main elements that every Japanese garden consists of. This type of garden follows strict applications of asymmetry, enclosure, borrowed scenery, balance, and symbolism. This type of landscape is not an ordinary one, so turning your backyard into a landscape that is not so ordinary will be a great experience for you. 


Winter Landscaping in Texas

Winter Landscaping in Texas can vary depending on where you live. The short answer to this question is: yes, it varies. Some locations receive colder weather during the winter months, while other locations do not. Landscapers and backyard gardeners alike aren't spared of the changing weather. Winter landscaping in Texas can also be quite a challenge for homeowners.

Certain landscaping practices that worked well in California, Colorado, or the northern states may not work as well in Texas. The same is true for certain types of plants and flowers. Landscaping companies are very aware of the different "heat zones" in each area. They make certain their landscaping products are most appropriate for the proper climate. This is because many landscaping materials and supplies are more appropriate for certain temperatures than they are for others.

For example, the coldest temperatures typically require more water to maintain a healthy plant. Winter landscaping in Texas does not have to involve large amounts of water in order to have beautiful gardens throughout the year. Winter plants, shrubs, trees, and flowers simply require adequate watering to remain healthy and green. Landscaping companies know how to select plants that work best in areas that have cold winters.

Landscaping design professionals also make use of proper landscaping maintenance practices in order to conserve water during the winter months. Most landscape maintenance firms offer some type of landscaping irrigation system or sprinkler system for various areas throughout the year. These sprinkler systems are designed to conserve water and keep grass growing at an even pace. Winter landscaping is no exception. Landscaping sprinkler systems can be used on a small lawn during the winter to keep grass green and well-groomed.

Envy Exteriors, in Texas usually cater to residential customers. We understand the aesthetic benefits of winter landscaping Texasans strive to create beautiful gardens that will remain green and lush throughout the growing season. Winter plants, shrubs, trees,and flowers can provide dramatic effects on a home's exterior. Winter landscaping is usually done before the planting season starts in early March. It should be completed by mid-April in order to ensure that grass grows properly and that weeds do not start to grow.

Before starting any landscaping project, it is important to pay attention to what kind of weather conditions you will be facing. This will save you a lot of time and frustration. It is also important to remember that you will need to make some compromises regarding the type of plants you use. Some landscaping elements such as outdoor lighting will be especially affected by the weather. We at Envy Exteriores can help that view last.

The landscaping elements that you choose will depend upon how much sun and shade your home receives throughout the day. This will dictate what plants you need to include and how much maintenance and care they require. Some plants may need to be treated for weeds each year while other plants will not. When choosing your landscaping elements for the winter months, you need to consider the climate conditions as well as the amount of sunlight your home receives. Some landscaping elements will only need to be treated annually while other landscape plants will need to be treated for winter and summer seasons.

Landscaping is an excellent way to extend the life of your home. The winter months are prime time to invest in your yard. Landscaping is easy to accomplish and is a great way to increase the value of your property. By planning and preparation, your landscaping can last all winter long!