Hurricane Season Landscaping Considerations


Hurricane season is upon us once again, and with the upcoming Hurricane Season (or Tropical Storm), things could get hectic in advance of any potential Hurricane Season predictions. However, there are still ways to improve your home or property's preparedness for a Hurricane Season. If you are still interested in this topic, here are some basics to get you started. First, consider that "pre-season" is also an excellent option for those who want to take the precautionary steps to prepare early. Preparing for a Hurricane Season typically includes any necessary repairs, replacements, and renovations outside of your property.

There are several things you can do to improve your home's preparedness for a Hurricane season ahead. For example, many local governments, counties, and other municipalities require the property owner to submit the necessary paperwork for hurricane season public works projects prior to any such projects being released for landscaping. In addition, many local and state governments will post information about Hurricane Season forecasts on their websites and in local newspapers. Additionally, these local and state governments often provide free hurricane season Hurricane Checkup webinars, seminars, phone numbers, and important phone information resources.

The National Weather Service (NWS) and other federal agencies are another excellent resource for Hurricane Season information. These organizations publish important and frequently updated information on their websites and in pamphlets that are distributed to all communities prior to Hurricane Season. Additionally, most NWS offices have Hurricane Watch publications that allow you to check the status of Hurricane advisories. While it is not possible to give specific advice or professional advice about Hurricane season options and choices, these publications can be highly informative and can save your property and your business thousands of dollars in possible losses and damage.

As the National Weather Service (NWS) noted in a press release, many areas across the United States have "wet roads" that could become hazardous in case of heavy rain or floods. Wet roads may also become a likely path for hurricanes, which carry much more potential damage in addition to winds and damaging rains. Your landscaping contractor should be able to discuss with you the best options for securing your home from damage caused by flying branches and other foliage, also possibly including the use of barriers and other preventative measures to ensure that your home and property are as safe as possible from the potential hazards associated with hurricane season.

Another great resource for hurricane season information is your local newspaper. Many papers publish information about significant storms, including photos and brief news blurbs about the possible weather effects. In addition to using local newspapers to receive Hurricane season updates and information, you may also find it helpful to review general information about landscaping and home improvement through websites and online discussion forums. Many websites and discussion forums do share real-life experiences and recommendations based on what they have experienced during hurricane seasons. Being prepared with relevant facts and information ahead of time can help you make wise decisions regarding your home and property's design, construction, and maintenance.