There is More to Landscaping than Just the "Trim"

We all know about the typical lawn trimming services that consist of a few men, a few lawn mowers, and a few weed-eaters. Nowadays it’s all about “mow the lawn as fast as possible” and move on to the next. Where have all the true landscapers gone? Where is the creativity in a 15 dollar lawn trim? Designing a landscape that demands appreciation should be like creating a composition of line and color to a canvas which culminates in art. As with art, a great landscape design consists of three stages: planning, execution, and admiration.

Planning the perfect landscape design involves a lot of creativity. There are always obstacles to conquer such as layout of the land, unknown weather patterns, and unforeseen material upgrades. Thinking ahead, being flexible, and planning for all circumstances are just a few aspects of creativity. It always helps to have innovative landscapers readily available, such as those at Envy Exteriors in The Woodlands.

Execution is where the rubber-meets-the-road in landscape design. In order to pull off the ultimate outdoor environment, you have to have the best landscapers around who will work tirelessly until the job is done right, perfectionists so to speak. And don’t think that logistics aren’t key when executing a grand landscape design. Everything from ordering material, to planting a garden, to irrigation installation has to be done in a fashion that resembles a well-oiled machine.

When all is said and done, the landscape design is judged by the admiration it receives. Sure, nowadays people can be jaded from time to time by all the nice yards they see on T.V. or magazines. But there is really something to say about a yard that makes all other yards around it look like office ficus. Yard envy is the highest form of flattery in the world of landscaping. When maximum effort is put into designing a landscape, admiration from neighbors and by-passers alike is sure to follow.

The secret to success in life is how hard you are willing to work in order to achieve it. There is no difference when it comes to creating the ultimate outdoor environment. Timely planning and flawless execution must be applied in order to obtain a yard that can be revered. So break away from that 15 dollar lawn mower guy and design a landscape that is worthy of being envied.

How Landscape Design Can Attract Customers to Your Local Business

Running a business is hard. Attracting business is not just about getting an increase in sales, but it is about making a genuine connection with your services, and also your appearance. To be honest, being a business owner always involves more than just making money. If you want your landscape design to reflect your dedication to your customer base, your product or your services, then professional landscape installation is incredibly important. One of the biggest parts of landscape design and running a business is presenting yourself in a way that reflects your intentions. Most business owners want to provide services that benefit their neighbors. The best way to try to improve your value to the community and your customers is to invest in landscape design,

Here are three ways that investing in your landscape design and landscape installation in The Woodlands will help your business:

1.       Landscape Design Reflects Your Values
The first thing that people notice when they arrive at your business is the landscape. Having incredibly technical and creative landscape design, and installation services, from professionals, is the best way to guarantee that you always appear professional. When clients and customers arrive on your property, they always want to know that they are in a good place to spend their money. Having the proper lighting, landscape maintenance, and other visual aesthetics is the best way to improve the standing your business has with the community.

2.       Landscape Installation Guarantees Quality
If you have made the decision to invest in your landscape design, then professional landscape installation is the only way to guarantee the proper level of distinguished professionalism. When you are trying to improve your business through proper lighting, landscape professionalism and appearance in The Woodlands, professional installation matters. It is incredible how much your professional landscape installation team can improve your overall appearance to potential customers and clients for your business. Picture it this way, if you were looking to try and impress someone online, you would get the best graphic designers and web designers, the same thing goes for the property surrounding your business. Impressing customers with your professional quality is important for attracting new business, so get the best landscape installation and design from professionals to guarantee that the job is done right.

3.       How Landscape and Lighting Affects First Impressions
The first time that you meet someone, you make an opinion in your mind about them based on how you present yourself. While you never intend to judge based on the exterior, having the best landscape and lighting is actually a big deal to potential customers and clients. In The Woodlands, the best way that you can guarantee to increase sales is to provide your customers with great lighting and landscape design.

Hiring professionals helps you prove how invested you are in your business. If you need to increase sales and business in The Woodlands, then you should consider hiring professionals, like the ones at Envy Exterior.

The Importance of Winter Lawn Maintenance

One of the best ways to keep your home value high is to take care of your yard. Proper lawn maintenance is a must, and it is actually a year-round task. For those that care about their lawn in The Woodlands, it can be helpful to get lawn maintenance advice for the tricky winter months. Here are 4 helpful winter lawn maintenance tips that will make sure that you have a top lawn when the spring and summer roll back around.

1.       Get your lawn to the right length for winter.
In the winter months, one key to lawn maintenance is making sure that your lawn is low when winter starts. You can do this by shortening the length of your lawn each time that you mow until it is at its lowest length as winter is beginning. Long grass in The Woodlands can make your lawn a home for burrowing creatures that need warmth in the winter. Another reason that short grass is key for lawn maintenance is that it prevents new growth in the winter which can lead to a weaker lawn in the following year.

2.       Clear all of your lawn of furniture and debris.
If anything sits on your lawn through the winter months, it can cause dead spots when your grass grows the next year. The reason this is included in winter lawn maintenance tips is because it can be easy to overlook a random toy or log on the lawn and forget about it in the winter time. Be sure to do a thorough check of your entire lawn before the winter and try to do weekly or bi-weekly checks throughout the winter. This simple piece of lawn maintenance will help your lawn stay even and grow properly the following spring.

3.       Fertilize throughout the winter months.
Before the seriously cold weather of the winter months' rolls in, it is important for your lawn in The Woodlands to be treated with fertilizer. The reason this is a key for winter lawn maintenance is that it allows your lawn to soak up needed nutrients for the following spring, and keep them in the soil during freezes. Proper fertilization of your lawn is vital to having a great yard, so it should be a part of any lawn maintenance advice you take no matter what the season is, even winter.

4.       Take Care of Your Lawn in the Fall
Some of the most important lawn maintenance for the winter can be done in the fall. Raking leaves, mowing properly as the grass turns brown, and avoiding walking on the grass is very important to the overall lawn health. When you work on following these winter lawn maintenance tips, you will be appreciative of the work that you put in during the fall.

Hopefully, you can use this winter lawn maintenance advice to guarantee that your yard in The Woodlands looks great next year and many years to come.

It's Never too Early to Prepare for Pool Season

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Every single year people get excited for pool season. Being able to enjoy the warm summer days while still staying cool in the pool is a time-honored American pastime. Setting up the perfect pool design during the winter can go a long way to being prepared for pool season in the summer. Imagine a pool that includes an amazing deck, possible grilling space, and the perfect surrounding landscape. Early planning is hugely important to the success of pool construction. If you are wanting to make your house the go-to place for a pool party or you just want to be able to enjoy summer evenings with a cocktail by the pool, be sure to find the best pool construction and maintenance professionals and get started early.

Getting a professional pool design is the first key to making sure that you have a great success with your new pool. Bringing in professionals that know how to see your landscape and bring in the perfect pool design, pool decking and make the whole thing line up perfectly. Whether you like a standard pool and spa set up or you want to create a more elaborate space with elegant fireplaces, outdoor kitchen centers and more, a professional designer can create it. When you bring in the pros for your pool installation they will be able to listen to your ideas and give you a perfectly functioning pool with the right lighting, pool decking and other features that you love.

If you want to guarantee that your pool meets all of your desired specifications, then make sure that you check out the work that your pool construction company has done before. The best way to make sure that they do great work is evidence. All of the best pool design and construction companies will be happy to provide you with a portfolio of their previous works and you will be able to tell right away whether or not they can get the job done for you. You are in control of making sure that you get the best pool decks, pool construction and the best pricing for your new pool. Always make sure to ask as many questions as possible from your pool company so that you get the most competitive prices and the finest pool design and installation.

Once you have your pool installed, the biggest key is getting the proper pool maintenance team to keep your pool in great shape every year. A pool has so many different moving parts from the lights, to the filters, the landscaping around it and the pool decking. Make sure that you get a great pool maintenance team to help you keep everything running smoothly and save you money on costly repairs in the long run.

Bringing in professionals is a guaranteed way to make sure that you never have any regrets when you install a new pool. Find the best pool design, installation and maintenance services in the winter in order to make summer as much fun as possible with little to no stress. You can get great pool decking and landscaping design from professionals that will make your backyard the envy of the neighborhood.

What to Love About Professional Landscaping

If you have finally found the perfect location, have the home of your dreams, and finally feel like you have the opportunity to perfect your property, then you are probably thinking about landscaping. Once you have all of the parts of your home interior sorted, the perfect landscape design and execution is vital to continuing to feel great about your home and improving property value. It is the age of the internet and for many, it is common to think that a “Do-It-Yourself” strategy is the way to go for everything. However, many homeowners get bogged down trying to create their own landscape design and work on their own landscape installation. Here are a few things that will help you see exactly why professional landscape services are perfect for getting the job done right and lifting the burden off of your shoulders as a homeowner.

Incredibly Creative Designs

There are times when we all have a great idea for a joke. However, can any of us really expect to develop those jokes, and another hour of material and perform it for a crowd flawlessly? No, but you would expect that from your favorite professional comedian. The same applies to landscape design. Sure, you may be able to get some great ideas from designs you have seen, but a professional landscaping design expert can use those ideas and develop them. When you choose to hire professional landscapers, the creativity increases significantly and get you the perfect design for your home’s landscaping.

It is Cost Effective

Many think that DIY landscaping is cheaper, but when you factor in the money that you spend on tools, equipment, planting materials and more, you are already behind on costs. Then you still have to spend more in time and energy that professional landscape services can relieve you from enduring. With professional landscaping, you can get free, up-front estimates that let you know exactly what your budget will be for the whole project, and it is often the most affordable option.

Professionalism in Execution

Once you choose professional landscape services, you will get a quality, professional product and excellent service. The fact is, a professional landscape installation team is only able to get business when they provide the highest quality product and you will be so happy with the end result and the process. The professionals will expertly understand the specific landscaping needs of your property and give you the perfect design and installation. This professional insight is really a game changer when it comes to having the perfect landscape that truly improves the look of your property.

With everything considered, it is easy to see why choosing pro landscape services is the best path for you. From the cost efficiency, to the innovative designs, to the perfection in execution, it is an easy choice to make. Do not get bogged down in another DIY project when you can get a professional result for an affordable price. Make the easy call and enjoy the great landscaping results.